2007 Teens’ Top Ten Winners

25 10 2007

trophyOkay, I promised that I would post the winning books from the Teens’ Top Ten list – remember, this is the list of books that is voted on by teens. There is no surprise that Stephenie Meyer made the number one spot. For some reason, we just can’t get enough of Edward and Bella.

The library owns all of the books on the list except for All Hollow’s Eve, but if you guys are interested in getting that, let us know. Don’t forget to check the catalog or ask a librarian for help in getting one of these titles.

  1. New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
  2. Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
  3. How to Ruin a Summer Vacation by Simone Elkeles
  4. Maximum Ride: School’s Out — Forever by James Patterson
  5. Firegirl by Tony Abbott
  6. All Hallow’s Eve (13 Stories) by Vivian Vande Velde
  7. Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer
  8. River Secrets by Shannon Hale
  9. Bad Kitty by Michele Jaffe
  10. Road of the Dead by Kevin Brooks

Surprising secret about “Harry Potter” character

22 10 2007

DumbledoreApparently there were rumors (although I never heard them) that Albus Dumbledore, the beloved headmaster of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter novels, was gay. Lo and behold, author J.K. Rowling revealed to an audience at Carnegie Hall last Friday night that yes, the character Dumbledore is gay. Rowling went on to explain “that Dumbledore was smitten with rival Gellert Grindelwald, whom he defeated long ago in a battle between good and bad wizards.” (www.baltimoresun.com) She continued by saying that Dumbledore’s love was his “great tragedy.”

If you’re interested in reading the rest of the article, it can be found here.

Teen Read Week Survey

16 10 2007

Smart GirlCare to share your opinion on reading? SmartGirl.org and Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) are offering a survey as part of Teen Read Week on what teens think about reading.

Happy Teen Read Week!

15 10 2007

Teen Read WeekIt’s finally here! I know you have all been eagerly counting down the hours and minutes until the start of Teen Read Week. Now your wait is over, and what do you have to show for it? Well, hopefully you started off the week by going to see cartoonist Jimmy Gownley at the Hyattsville Branch yesterday.

Many of our branches have put up silly displays for TRW’s LOL@your library theme, so make sure you check them out. Also, you should find at your branch a list of suggested books to give you a chuckle and if you’ve been following this month’s 31 Flavorite Authors, then you know that this week you can chat online with:

  • October 15: John Green
    • author of Looking for Alaska and An Abundance of Katherines
  • October 16: Sara Zarr
    • author of Story of a Girl
  • October 17: Deb Caletti
    • author of The Queen of Everything; Honey Baby, Sweetheart; Wild Roses and The Nature of Jade
  • October 18: Rachel Cohn
    • author of Gingerbread; Shrimp; Pop Princess; New York; Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist; Cupcake and Ely and Naomi’s No Kiss List
  • October 19: Kirsten Miller
    • author of Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City
  • October 20: Mitali Perkins
    • author of First Daughter: Extreme American Makeover

So have fun and take a sec to vote for next year’s Teen Read Week theme!

Come see “Amelia Rules!” cartoonist Jimmy Gownley

8 10 2007

Amelia RulesAmelia Rules! cartoonist and author Jimmy Gownley will be at the Hyattsville Branch on Sunday, October 14 at 1:30 pm. In celebration of Teen Read Week, Mr. Gownley will be presenting a workshop on turning your real-life experiences into a comic book.

For those of you who are interested in or like to draw, this is a great program for you! It’s not always easy coming up with ideas for what to draw, but having someone show you that your own life can actually be interesting and funny, is a good place to start 🙂

Attention Scott Westerfeld fans!

5 10 2007

ExtrasFor those of you who have read and enjoyed Scott Westerfeld‘s Uglies trilogy, be aware that he has written an additional title. It is a few years after Tally Youngblood has taken down the ruling regime at the end of Specials, but Extras promises to be just as exciting because popularity rules in this book and it’s your rank that counts.

Fanlib.com is hosting a contest for those 13+ from October 12 through November 13. To enter the contest, go to their “Submit” page and read the Mission they have posted there. Based on that Mission, write and submit your own story for a chance to win some cool prizes! (You will have to register on their site to participate.)

We have Extras on order, so look it up in the catalog and place a hold, or ask a librarian for help.